
Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between a public and private rollup?

When your rollup is set as public it’s discoverable in the Conduit app. This means that it’s published on pages such as Browse rollups and Nodes, which anyone with a Conduit account outside of your organization can access. Also, a public URL is generated for your rollup where its network information and tooling can be found.

All rollups are set as private by default. Private rollups are not discoverable or visible anywhere in the Conduit app except to your own organization. However, it still remains a live, publicly viewable blockchain.

What’s a verified rollup?

Since rollup deployment is permissionless and their names, icons, or IDs aren’t always unique, we’ve introduced a small feature in the UI which we call verification. All that means is that we have manually verified the rollup and its owner are authentic. Anyone can request us to verify their rollup by submitting a request. We typically only verify popular chains in an effort to protect people from malicious rollups imitating legitimate rollups (we’ve yet to see this happen but verification is there as a precaution).

How do I cancel a testnet or mainnet subscription plan?

Deleting your testnet or mainnet rollup automatically cancels the subscription associated with that deployment. You can delete your rollup from Settings > General in your deployment dashboard.

Why do I see a “This is a potential scam” warning when adding my network to MetaMask?

MetaMask shows this warning when a network’s ChainID isn’t recognized or verified. MetaMask pulls ChainIDs from a community-maintained repository on GitHub: Ethereum-Lists. To resolve this, you can submit a PR to add your network’s ChainID to the list.

Why did my transaction fail with “oversized data” error?

Transactions can fail if they exceed the maximum allowed size (128KB). This limit exists because large transactions are more expensive to process and harder to propagate across the network. This commonly occurs when batch minting/purchasing multiple NFTs or making complex smart contract interactions with large calldata.

If you encounter this error, you can resolve it by breaking your transaction into smaller batches or reducing the number of items per transaction.

For reference, transactions are limited to 128KB by the txMaxSize parameter in Geth based nodes.